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Language Resources

The Hopkinton Public Library is committed to helping our community learn to communicate – and language is an integral part! Whether you’re looking to polish your English or just learn a few phrases for a business trip, we’ve got resources that can help you get started.

English Language Learner Classes

ELL classes are available fall through spring. See below for more details.

Language Learning Apps

Mango offers language learning programs for over 70 languages, including English. Sign in with your library card and PIN/Password to use it for free!

Transparent Language Online offers language learning programs for over 100 languages, including English. Create an account for free!

Books and CDs

The Library loans books and CD kits that can help you learn a variety of languages. Search our catalog to find books in the language you’re looking for.

English Made Easy

Conversation Circles for the Beginning Learner

Beginning learners have limited experience with the English language. They may be familiar with basic vocabulary, simple phrases, short sentences, and simple responses to questions.

The beginner group provides an opportunity to build English vocabulary, practice grammar, and read in a supportive setting. Emphasis is on building conversation skills that reflect everyday interactions, such as: a visit to the doctor, a trip to the grocery store, or making a business call.

This group meets online and face-to-face.

Conversation Circles for the Intermediate Learner

Intermediate learners have mastered basic vocabulary and focus on greater comfort in everyday conversations. They are at ease with short sentences and want to use more complex sentence structures and descriptive vocabulary.

To increase skills this group reads stories together. Reading together helps to expand vocabulary, and provides an opportunity for increased comprehension and focused discussion.

This group meets online and face-to-face.

Conversation Circles for the Advanced Learner

This group provides a unique opportunity to meet and practice conversation in a relaxed social setting with trained leaders. Advanced learners are comfortable with everyday vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. Participants will focus on increasing fluency in their daily environment.

Conversations may focus on a specific topic, cultural activity, or everyday events.

This group meets weekly in the library. Field trips are included regularly.


ELL History at the Hopkinton Library

Hopkinton’s English Language Learner program grew from community requests. Friends of the Hopkinton Library recognized the linguistic challenges facing new residents and agreed to create and financially support an English Language Learner program. The program began with a small group of enthusiastic volunteers and one professional instructor.
Our program is designed to help English Language Learners (ELL) practice vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar in a structured yet fun and comfortable environment. Conversation Circles use guided conversations and real-life situations to build language confidence.

In addition, our program helps to address the Library’s strategic goal to provide resources and experiences for the entire Hopkinton community that are welcoming, safe, and respectful.

In 2020 our instructor trained our first group of volunteers using proven educational strategies for English language support. Our volunteers are enthusiastic, flexible, creative, and, above all, supportive. We opened our program to the Hopkinton community (and later on to Ashland) and held our first ELL Conversation Circles.
Our Conversation Circles have included people from Spain, Russia, Brazil, China, Egypt, Ukraine, and more.

Sessions begin in late September and end mid-May. We accept new participants throughout the year.

Please register for our September sessions whether you are new or a returning member. We will take new members throughout the year as space permits.