February is the shortest month… There is a lot to keep you busy throughout this cold winter that is just showing its force in New England. Who doesn’t crave a warm...
Happy Black History Month! The ASALH has chosen African Americans and the Arts as their Black History theme for 2024. If you’re interested in engaging with this theme, what better way...
At our Chat ’n’ Chew meetings, we all share what you’ve been reading recently. This group does not have a specific selected book to read. Our next meeting will be virtual...
We are entering a time when many think about resolutions for the new year. For us lovers of books, our resolution at the beginning of the year might be that we...
Welcome to the books our Chat’n’Chew book group discussed in December 2023. We would love to see new and old faces at our next gathering. You can meet with us in...
Welcome to the books our Chat’n’Chew book group discussed in November 2023. We hope at least one book will appeal to you. We would love to see new and old faces...
No, it’s not December 2023 yet, but once the holidays begin, I find there is little time to pause and look back at the year that has passed by. One of...
Books in Bloom is a collaboration between the Friends of the Hopkinton Library and the Hopkinton Garden Club. Each year, Librarians pick a theme and books for children, teens, and adults,...
Autumn is here as leaves begin to fade and descend to the earth. Mary Oliver was an American poet who won the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize. Her work...